Tuesday, 15 July 2014


 Welcome to the behind the scenes of 'How to Own A Sweatshop'. This resource will give you a step to step guide on how to own your own ethical sweatshop. We will give you a day to day run down, not skipping over any detail, we will supply you with expenditures, our highs and lows, struggles and successes, what went right and what we would have done differently, the people who helped us out, our hand written documents, storyboards, behind the scenes photographs, concepts and designs and weekly video blogs.

Jesse North and Xavier Hartstonge will undertake the adventure of starting up their own ethical sweatshop campaign from scratch, with the help from friends, family and you. Neither of them have owned a business before, studied anything related to business management or marketing.

Follow our progress of how we immerse ourselves and jump in the deep end into the unknown.

First things first, we will immerse ourselves in the lifestyle. We want to experience this daily grind first hand, understand the poverty and feel the emotions. "It's impossible for us to go out there and launch a campaign without understanding or experiencing, its almost ignorant", says Jesse. "Then and only then, can we stand up and help these women".

'How to Own a Sweatshop' is a long term campaign; we will one day own a Sweatshop. Not your standard Sweatshop with poor working conditions, mistreated staff who working excruciating hours, but a Sweatshop that will support the women of Kolkata, provide education, healthcare and a steady income. 
Of course, this is many years down the track so details are not set just yet.

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